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Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair Mesa

To Mulch or Not to Mulch in Mesa, AZ

Posted on Nov 13th 2023

Mulching services in Mesa, AZ play a crucial role in preparing your garden for the upcoming seasons. Mulch can help you control weeds and add nutrients to your soil. Different types of mulch may benefit various kinds of plants. Depending on your plants, you may mulch in the fall or wait to mulch in the spring. Here's a brief look at the benefits of mulch and different types.

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4 Ways to Prepare Your Yard for Winter in Mesa, AZ

Posted on Sep 22nd 2023

Taking care of your yard may feel like a warm-weather activity, but the work doesn’t end when temperatures begin dropping. Garden and winter lawn maintenance in Mesa, AZ can help keep your landscaping healthy and set it up for maximum growth next spring.

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6 Native Plants to Add to Your Landscaping in Mesa, AZ

Posted on Sep 14th 2023

When it comes to landscaping your yard, there are hundreds of thousands of plants to choose from. As a Utah Water Savers Approved company, Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape has the expertise you need for wildflower landscaping in Mesa, AZ.

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