Localscapes Approved Designs

Landscape Design in Mesa with Hot Shot

Landscape Design in Mesa

Choose a landscape that works for you — and where you live!

Opting for local plants and reduced sod when landscaping your home can help save Utah’s precious water resources. Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape is a Localscapes partner that has been screened and approved to design and install landscapes that are friendly to Utah’s unique water situation and environment.

Xeriscaping is a growing movement in landscape design. It optimizes plants that are local to the home’s environment in a beautiful, functional and beneficial way. Traditional sod may still be used but in a reduced way.

There are several benefits associated with xeriscaping, both for the environment and for your lifestyle, detailed below. When you choose xeriscape landscape design in Mesa, our Localscapes partner status means you can be eligible for special rebates for choosing this water–friendly option.

Looking to start your xeriscaping project? Call and request an estimate from the landscaping contractors at Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape!

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Why Should You Xeriscape?

Landscape design in Mesa with Hot Shot is beautiful and unique.

Xeriscaped areas are just as beautiful as other landscaping methods while being better for the environment and providing additional benefits to homeowners, such as those listed below.

  • Reduce Water Waste. The primary reason many homeowners choose xeriscaping is to reduce water waste. This environmentally friendly approach can reduce residential water waste by 50–75%!
  • Reduced Costs. Using less water comes with lower water bills. Did you know that more than 50% of residential water usage is used for lawns? Xeriscaping cuts that cost significantly. Working with Localscapes landscaping contractors like Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape can save you money and make you eligible for special rebates in Utah.
  • Less Fertilizer Use. Using local plants in your landscape design means there’s less need to use special fertilizers or treatments to keep them healthy and growing. This reduces chemical use in soil and can save you money.
  • Less Maintenance. Looking for a way to have a beautiful yard but want to cut down on the amount of yard work you have each week? Xeriscaping may be the answer! Less grass and native options mean you spend less time mowing, weeding, or pruning your plants.
  • Improved Aesthetics. Xeriscaping does not mean all concrete and rocks. It’s actually a great way to introduce beautiful local plants and other stunning features into your landscape. A xeriscaped yard can improve the appearance of your property and neighborhood, making it attractive to guests and potential buyers! Contact a landscaping contractor at Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape today!

What is Localscapes?

Localscapes are beautiful and can save time and money - learn more with Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape.

Localscapes is a Utah approach to climate–friendly landscape designs. They are a vital resource for learning about and implementing waterwise landscaping in Utah to mitigate the effects of a growing population on already strained water resources.

The organization offers classes and instructions about how to implement water–friendly methods in your own yard. For those who don’t want to completely DIY their project, homeowners can team up with an approved Localscapes partner like Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape to ensure the waterwise requirements are met. By using a Localscapes partner, homeowners may be eligible for cash rewards and a free review of their landscape plan.

If you’re a Utah homeowner interested in xeriscaping and waterwise methods, Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair Mesa are the landscape experts you can trust! With decades of experience in landscape design in Mesa, we can give you the insight and advice you need for a beautiful yard for years to come. Our wide range of services provides every landscaping service and repair you may need, preventing the need for multiple vendors working on your space at once.

Call and request an estimate today!

Designing A Localscape

Localscapes are beautiful and can save time and money - learn more with Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape.

Localscaping has transformed modern landscaping through thoughtful and functional and low maintenance landscape designs that reduce water consumption. To get the most out of your outdoor space, using professional techniques and expertise can provide the yard of your dreams. Partner with Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape to design spaces that invite you to spend time outdoors!

Find out why Hot Shot is the top landscaper in Mesa.

sprinkler repair in Mesa